Source code for acres.evaluation.evaluation

Benchmark code. It's the main entry point for comparing strategies using
evaluation metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score.

import logging
import time
from enum import Enum
from itertools import islice
from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Set

from acres.evaluation import metrics
from acres.model import expansion_standard, detection_standard, topic_list
from acres.resolution import resolver
from acres.stats import senses
from acres.util import text
from acres.util.acronym import Acronym

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Level(Enum): """ Enum that holds acronym-solving levels. """ TOKEN = 1 TYPE = 2
[docs]def test_input(true_expansions: Set[str], possible_expansions: List[str], max_tries: int = 10) -> bool: """ Test an acronym + context strings against the model. :param true_expansions: :param possible_expansions: An ordered list of possible expansions. :param max_tries: Maxinum number of tries :return: """ i = 0 for possible_expansion in possible_expansions: i += 1 if i > max_tries: break # logger.debug(possible_expansion) for true_expansion in true_expansions: # TODO normalize german chars in true_expansions if true_expansion.lower().startswith(possible_expansion.lower()): logger.debug("CORRECT: %s", possible_expansion) return True return False
[docs]def analyze(contextualized_acronym: Acronym, true_expansions: Set[str], strategy: resolver.Strategy, max_tries: int) -> Dict[str, bool]: """ Analyze a given row of the gold standard. :param contextualized_acronym: :param true_expansions: :param strategy: :param max_tries: :return: A dictionary with keys {'found', 'correct', and 'ignored'} pointing to boolean. """ ret = {'found': False, 'correct': False, 'ignored': False} # Normalize context so that we can match it to the training data left_context = text.clean(contextualized_acronym.left_context) acronym = contextualized_acronym.acronym right_context = text.clean(contextualized_acronym.right_context) # Normalize true expansions so that we can match them to the training data true_expansions = set(map(text.clean, true_expansions)) # Remove context to improve cache hit # XXX We currently support context only for n-grams if strategy != resolver.Strategy.FASTNGRAM: left_context = "" right_context = "" logger.debug("%s [%s] %s => %s", left_context, acronym, right_context, true_expansions) fltered_expansions = resolver.filtered_resolve(acronym, left_context, right_context, strategy) possible_expansions = list(islice(fltered_expansions, max_tries)) if possible_expansions: logger.debug("FOUND: %s => %s", acronym, possible_expansions) ret['found'] = True ret['correct'] = test_input(true_expansions, possible_expansions, max_tries) if not ret['found']: logger.debug("NOT FOUND: %s", acronym) elif not ret['correct']: logger.debug("INCORRECT: %s", acronym) return ret
def _valid(topics: List[Acronym], valid_standard: Set[str], level: Level) -> List[Acronym]: """ :param topics: :param valid_standard: :param level: :return: """ valid = [] # type: List[Acronym] types = set() # type: Set[str] for contextualized_acronym in topics: acronym = contextualized_acronym.acronym # Ignore repeated types if level == Level.TYPE and acronym in types: # logger.debug("REPEATED {%s}: repeated type.", acronym) continue types.add(acronym) if acronym not in valid_standard: logger.debug("IGNORED {%s}: invalid acronym.", acronym) continue valid.append(contextualized_acronym) return valid
[docs]def evaluate(topics: List[Acronym], valid_standard: Set[str], standard: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]], strategy: resolver.Strategy, level: Level, max_tries: int, lenient: bool) -> Tuple[List[Acronym], List[Acronym], List[Acronym]]: """ Analyze a gold standard with text excerpts centered on an acronym, followed by `n` valid expansions. :param topics: :param valid_standard: :param standard: :param strategy: :param level: :param max_tries: :param lenient: Whether to consider partial matches (1) as a valid sense. :return: A tuple with lists containing correct, found, and valid contextualized acronyms """ found = [] # type: List[Acronym] correct = [] # type: List[Acronym] acronym_senses = senses.map_senses_acronym(standard, lenient) valid = _valid(topics, valid_standard, level) for contextualized_acronym in valid: acronym = contextualized_acronym.acronym true_expansions = acronym_senses[acronym] row_analysis = analyze(contextualized_acronym, true_expansions, strategy, max_tries) if row_analysis['found']: found.append(contextualized_acronym) if row_analysis['correct']: correct.append(contextualized_acronym) invalid_absolute = len(topics) - len(valid)"Total: %s", len(topics))"Ignored: %d", invalid_absolute)"Valid: %d", len(valid))"Found: %d", len(found))"Correct: %d", len(correct)) return correct, found, valid
[docs]def do_analysis(topics_file: str, detection_file: str, expansion_file: str, strategy: resolver.Strategy, level: Level, max_tries: int, lenient: bool) -> Tuple[List[Acronym], List[Acronym], List[Acronym]]: """ Analyze a given expansion standard. :param topics_file: :param detection_file: :param expansion_file: :param strategy: :param level: :param max_tries: :param lenient: :return: A tuple with lists containing correct, found, and valid contextualized acronyms """ topics = topic_list.parse(topics_file) valid_standard = detection_standard.parse_valid(detection_file) standard = expansion_standard.parse(expansion_file) start_time = time.time() (correct, found, valid) = evaluate(topics, valid_standard, standard, strategy, level, max_tries, lenient) end_time = time.time() print("Time: (s)", end_time - start_time) final_precision = metrics.calculate_precision(len(correct), len(found)) final_recall = metrics.calculate_recall(len(correct), len(valid)) final_f1 = metrics.calculate_f1(final_precision, final_recall) print("Strategy: ", strategy) print("Rank: ", max_tries) print("Lenient: ", lenient) print("Precision: ", final_precision) print("Recall: ", final_recall) print("F1: ", final_f1) return correct, found, valid
[docs]def plot_data(topics_file: str, detection_file: str, expansion_file: str): """ Run all strategies using different ranks and lenient approaches and generate a TSV file to be \ used as input for the `plots.R` script. :param topics_file: :param detection_file: :param expansion_file: :return: """ output = open("stats.tsv", "w+", encoding="utf-8") output.write("k\tMajority\tSI\tfastType\tword2vec\n") for lenient in [True, False]: for rank in range(1, 21): output.write(str(rank) + "\t") for strategy in [resolver.Strategy.BASELINE, resolver.Strategy.DICTIONARY, resolver.Strategy.FASTTYPE, resolver.Strategy.WORD2VEC]: correct, found, valid = do_analysis(topics_file, detection_file, expansion_file, strategy, Level.TYPE, rank, lenient) precision = metrics.calculate_precision(len(correct), len(found)) recall = metrics.calculate_recall(len(correct), len(valid)) fone = metrics.calculate_f1(precision, recall) output.write(str(fone) + "\t") output.write("\n") output.flush() output.close()
[docs]def summary(topics_file: str, detection_file: str, expansion_file: str, level: Level, max_tries: int, lenient: bool): """ Save a summary table in TSV format that can be used to run statistical tests (e.g. McNemar Test) :param topics_file: :param detection_file: :param expansion_file: :param level: :param max_tries: :param lenient: :return: """ strategies = [resolver.Strategy.BASELINE, resolver.Strategy.DICTIONARY, resolver.Strategy.FASTTYPE, resolver.Strategy.WORD2VEC] topics = topic_list.parse(topics_file) valid_standard = detection_standard.parse_valid(detection_file) valid = _valid(topics, valid_standard, level) # Most methods are optimized to run in alphabetic order by storing a large chunk in memory. # Therefore, it's more efficient to run first each method so that results can be transposed. results = {} # type: Dict[resolver.Strategy, Set[Acronym]] for strategy in strategies:"Strategy: %s", strategy) correct, _, _ = do_analysis(topics_file, detection_file, expansion_file,strategy, level, max_tries, lenient) results[strategy] = set(correct) output = open("summary.tsv", "w+", encoding="utf-8") output.write("instance\tMajority\tSI\tfastType\tword2vec\n") for contextualized_acronym in valid: output.write(contextualized_acronym.acronym + "\t") assessments = [] for strategy in strategies: assessment = "T" if contextualized_acronym in results[strategy] else "F" assessments.append(assessment) output.write("\t".join(assessments)) output.write("\n") output.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": do_analysis("resources/topic_list.tsv", "resources/detection_standard.tsv", "resources/expansion_standard.tsv", resolver.Strategy.WORD2VEC, Level.TYPE, 1, True)