Source code for acres.evaluation.metrics

Helper functions to calculate evaluation metrics.

[docs]def calculate_precision(total_correct: int, total_found: int) -> float: """ Calculate precision as the ratio of correct acronyms to the found acronyms. :param total_correct: :param total_found: :return: """ return total_correct / total_found if total_found != 0 else 0
[docs]def calculate_recall(total_correct: int, total_acronyms: int) -> float: """ Calculate reall as the ratio of correct acronyms to all acronyms. :param total_correct: :param total_acronyms: :return: """ return total_correct / total_acronyms if total_acronyms != 0 else 0
[docs]def calculate_f1(precision: float, recall: float) -> float: """ Calculates the F1-score. :param precision: :param recall: :return: """ return (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) if (precision + recall) != 0 else 0