Source code for acres.fastngram.fastngram

A faster version of n-gram matching that uses dictionaries for speed-up.

import logging
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, Set, Tuple, Iterator, List, Union

from acres.preprocess import resource_factory
from acres.util import functions
from acres.util.functions import import_conf
from acres.util.acronym import Acronym

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Maximum difference in size between left and right context.

PARTITIONS = int(import_conf("FastNgramPartitions"))

[docs]class ContextMap: """ A map of contexts to center words. """ def __init__(self) -> None: = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], OrderedDict[int, Set[str]]]
[docs] def add(self, center: str, left_context: str, right_context: str, freq: int) -> None: """ Add a center n-gram with a context. :param center: :param left_context: :param right_context: :param freq: :return: """ context = (left_context, right_context), OrderedDict())[context].setdefault(freq, set())[context][freq].add(center)
[docs] def centers(self, left_context: str, right_context: str) -> 'OrderedDict[int, Set[str]]': """ Find center n-grams that happen on a given context. :param left_context: :param right_context: :return: """ context = (left_context, right_context) if context not in return OrderedDict() return[context]
[docs]class CenterMap: """ A map of center words to contexts. """ def __init__(self) -> None: = {} # type: Dict[str, OrderedDict[int, Set[Tuple[str, str]]]]
[docs] def add(self, center: str, left_context: str, right_context: str, freq: int) -> None: """ Add a center n-gram with a context. :param center: :param left_context: :param right_context: :param freq: :return: """ context = (left_context, right_context), OrderedDict())[center].setdefault(freq, set())[center][freq].add(context)
[docs] def contexts(self, center: str) -> 'OrderedDict[int, Set[Tuple[str, str]]]': """ Find contexts for a given center word. :param center: :return: """ if center not in return OrderedDict() return[center]
[docs]def baseline(acronym: str, left_context: str = "", right_context: str = "") -> Iterator[str]: """ A baseline method that expands only with unigrams. :param acronym: :param left_context: :param right_context: :return: """ return fastngram(acronym, "", "")
[docs]def fastngram(acronym: str, left_context: str = "", right_context: str = "", min_freq: int = 2, max_rank: int = 100000) -> Iterator[str]: """ Find an unlimited set of expansion candidates for an acronym given its left and right context. \ Note that no filtering is done here, except from the acronym initial partioning. :param acronym: :param left_context: :param right_context: :param min_freq: :param max_rank: :return: """ contextualized_acronym = Acronym(acronym=acronym, left_context=left_context, right_context=right_context) contexts = _generate_acronym_contexts(contextualized_acronym) for ngram in _center_provider(contexts, min_freq, max_rank): yield ngram
[docs]def fasttype(acronym: str, left_context: str = "", right_context: str = "", min_freq: int = 2, max_rank: int = 100000) -> Iterator[str]: """ Find an unlimited set of expansion candidates given the training contexts of the acronym. \ Note that no filtering is done here, except from the acronym initial partioning. :param acronym: :param left_context: Not used. :param right_context: Not used. :param min_freq: :param max_rank: :return: """ contexts = _find_contexts(acronym, min_freq) for ngram in _center_provider(contexts, min_freq, max_rank): yield ngram
def _find_contexts(acronym: str, min_freq: int) -> 'List[Acronym]': """ Find contexts in the training data where this acronym appears. :param acronym: :param min_freq: :return: """ model = resource_factory.get_center_map(functions.partition(acronym, PARTITIONS)) all_contexts = [] # type: List[Acronym] for out_freq, contexts in model.contexts(acronym).items(): for left, right in contexts: # Do not allow empty contexts. if left == '' and right == '': continue if out_freq < min_freq: break contextualized_acronym = Acronym(acronym=acronym, left_context=left, right_context=right) all_contexts.append(contextualized_acronym) return all_contexts def _center_provider(contexts: 'List[Acronym]', min_freq: int, max_rank: int) -> Iterator[str]: """ Provide unlimited center words for a given list of contexts. :param contexts: :param min_freq: :param max_rank: :return: """ # Save previous expansions to avoid the same n-gram to be retrieve from different contexts. previous_ngrams = set() # type: Set[str] rank = 0 for contextualized_acronym in contexts: partition = functions.partition(contextualized_acronym.acronym, PARTITIONS) model = resource_factory.get_context_map(partition) left = contextualized_acronym.left_context right = contextualized_acronym.right_context count_map = model.centers(left, right) for freq, center_ngrams in count_map.items(): if freq < min_freq: break for ngram in center_ngrams: if rank > max_rank: return "" if ngram not in previous_ngrams: previous_ngrams.add(ngram) rank += 1 yield ngram
[docs]def create_map(ngrams: Dict[str, int], model: Union[ContextMap, CenterMap], partition: int = 0) -> Union[ContextMap, CenterMap]: """ Create a search-optimized represenation of an ngram-list. :param ngrams: :param model: :param partition: :return: """"Creating model for fastngram with partition = %d...", partition) # Ensure ngrams are ordered by decreasing frequency. sorted_ngrams = sorted(ngrams.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for ngram, freq in sorted_ngrams: for context in _generate_ngram_contexts(ngram): if functions.partition(context.acronym, PARTITIONS) == partition: model.add(context.acronym, context.left_context, context.right_context, freq)"Fastngram model created.") return model
def _generate_ngram_contexts(ngram: str) -> 'List[Acronym]': """ Generate a list of contextualized n-grams with a decreasing central n-gram and increasing \ lateral context. :param ngram: :return: """ tokens = ngram.split(" ") ngram_size = len(tokens) contexts = [] # Walk only until half and `max_diff` more. for i in range(0, int((ngram_size + 1 + MAX_DIFF) / 2)): # Allow up to `max_diff` difference in size. for j in range(ngram_size - i + MAX_DIFF, ngram_size - i - MAX_DIFF - 1, -1): # Do not allow empty acronym. if i >= j: break # Do not walk past the n-gram. if j > ngram_size: continue left = sys.intern(" ".join(tokens[0:i])) right = sys.intern(" ".join(tokens[j:ngram_size])) center = sys.intern(" ".join(tokens[i:j])) contexts.append(Acronym(acronym=center, left_context=left, right_context=right)) return contexts def _generate_acronym_contexts(contextualized_acronym: 'Acronym') -> 'List[Acronym]': """ Generate a list of contextualized acronyms with decreasing lateral context. Right context is deemed more important than left context, e.g. EF 00%, HF 000/min, so we generate first longer right n-grams, e.g. (left_bigram, right_trigram). @todo default parameter min_length = 0, so that we avoid empty contexts if we want. :param contextualized_acronym: :return: """ left = contextualized_acronym.left_context.split() right = contextualized_acronym.right_context.split() left_length = len(left) right_length = len(right) # We allow up to MAX_DIFF difference in context size iff the right context is larger than left. max_length = min(left_length, right_length) if right_length > left_length: max_length += min(MAX_DIFF, right_length - left_length) contexts = [] # type: List[Acronym] for j in range(max_length, -1, -1): # Left size > right size if j > right_length: continue for i in range(left_length - j - MAX_DIFF, left_length - j + MAX_DIFF + 1): # Prevents double empty context on last iteration if i > left_length: break # Left size < right size if i < 0: continue left_context = " ".join(left[i:left_length]) right_context = " ".join(right[0:j]) contexts.append(Acronym(acronym=contextualized_acronym.acronym, left_context=left_context, right_context=right_context)) return contexts