Source code for acres.model.detection_standard

Model class that represents a detection standard. A detection standard works like a allow/block list
to filter out inputs from the topic list that are not proper acronyms (e.g. `BEFUND`, `III`). Such
inputs are then not considered for evaluation purposes.

It is designed as an append-only list (i.e., entries do not need to be updated with variable
import logging
from typing import Dict, Set, List

from acres.model import topic_list
from acres.util import acronym as acro_util
from acres.util.acronym import Acronym

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def parse(filename: str) -> Dict[str, bool]: """ Parses a .tsv-formatted detection standard into a dictionary. :param filename: :return: """ file = open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") detection_standard = {} # type: Dict[str, bool] for row in file: fields = row.split("\t") acronym = fields[0].strip() valid = fields[1].strip() == 'TRUE' # Remaining fields are ignored, because they map into `valid`. detection_standard[acronym] = valid file.close() return detection_standard
[docs]def filter_valid(standard: Dict[str, bool]) -> Set[str]: """ Filter out invalid entries from a gold standard. Invalid entries are not proper acronyms or repeated types. :param standard: :return: """ types = set() # type: Set[str] for acronym, valid in standard.items(): if not valid: continue # A gold standard should not contain invalid acronyms # This is actually a required check, as some long and invalid acronyms # (e.g. "ACE-Hemmerunverträglichkeit") lead to performance issues. if not acro_util.is_acronym(acronym): logger.debug("{%s} does not pass acronym tests.", acronym) continue if acronym in types: logger.debug("{%s} is repeated at least once.", acronym) continue types.add(acronym) return types
[docs]def parse_valid(filename: str) -> Set[str]: """ Wrapper method for both `parse` and `filter_valid`. :param filename: :return: """ return filter_valid(parse(filename))
[docs]def update(previous: Dict[str, bool], acronyms: List[Acronym]) -> Dict[str, bool]: """ Update a previous detection standard with new acronyms from a topic list, preserving order. :param previous: :param acronyms: :return: """ ret = previous for acronym in acronyms: if acronym.acronym not in ret: ret[acronym.acronym] = True return ret
[docs]def write(filename: str, standard: Dict[str, bool]) -> None: """ Write a detection standard into a file. :param filename: :param standard: :return: """ file = open(filename, "w+", encoding="utf-8") for acronym, valid in standard.items(): file.write(acronym) file.write("\t") file.write(str(valid).upper()) file.write("\n") file.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": detection_standard = "resources/detection_standard.tsv" write(detection_standard, update(parse(detection_standard), topic_list.parse("resources/topic_list.tsv")))