Source code for acres.model.expansion_standard

Model class that represents an expansion standard. An expansion standard is the main reference
standard containing acronyms-expansion pairs and their evaluation following the TREC standard

It is designed as an append-only list (i.e., entries do not need to be updated with variable
import logging
from itertools import islice
from typing import Dict, TextIO, Set, List

from acres.model import detection_standard, topic_list
from acres.resolution import resolver
from acres.util import acronym as acro_util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def parse(filename: str) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]: """ Parse a TSV-separated expansion standard into a dictionary. :param filename: :return: A dictionary with acronyms pointing to expansions and an assessment value. """ file = open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") expansion_standard = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] for row in file: fields = row.split("\t") acronym = fields[0].strip() # fields[0] = "Q0" (NOOP) expansion = fields[2].strip() relevance = int(fields[3].strip()) # Initialize sub-dict if acronym not in expansion_standard: expansion_standard[acronym] = {} expansion_standard[acronym].update({expansion: relevance}) file.close() return expansion_standard
def _write_expansions(acronym: str, expansions: Dict[str, int], file: TextIO) -> None: for expansion, relevance in expansions.items(): row = [acronym, "Q0", expansion, str(relevance)] file.write("\t".join(row) + "\n") file.flush()
[docs]def write(filename: str, previous: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]], valid: Set[str], topics: List[acro_util.Acronym]) -> None: """ Write results in the TREC format, one candidate expansion per line. :param filename: :param previous: A dictionary of acronyms mapped to their senses and assesments (if any). :param valid: A set of valid acronyms, normally parsed from a detection standard. :param topics: A topic list. :return: """ file = open(filename, "w+", encoding="utf-8") # Write all old expansions. for acronym, old_expansions in previous.items(): _write_expansions(acronym, old_expansions, file) types = set() for contextualized_acronym in topics: acronym = contextualized_acronym.acronym # Skip invalid acronyms. if acronym not in valid: continue # Do not repeat acronyms. if acronym in types: continue types.add(acronym) # Collect old expansions for this acronym. previous_expansions = set() if acronym in previous: previous_expansions = previous[acronym].keys() # Write all expansions in the dictionary without filtering. dictionary = resolver.resolve(acronym, "", "", resolver.Strategy.DICTIONARY) dictionary = [exp for exp in dictionary if exp not in previous_expansions] _write_expansions(acronym, dict.fromkeys(dictionary, -int(resolver.Strategy.DICTIONARY)), file) previous_expansions |= set(dictionary) # Write up to k remaining expansions provided by all strategies. k = 10 for strategy in resolver.Strategy:"Strategy: %s", strategy) filtered_expansions = resolver.filtered_resolve(acronym, "", "", strategy) filtered_expansions = [exp for exp in list(islice(filtered_expansions, k)) if exp not in previous_expansions] _write_expansions(acronym, dict.fromkeys(filtered_expansions, -int(strategy.value)), file) previous_expansions |= set(filtered_expansions) file.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": standard = "resources/expansion_standard.tsv" write(standard, parse(standard), detection_standard.parse_valid("resources/detection_standard.tsv"), topic_list.parse("resources/topic_list.tsv"))