Source code for acres.preprocess.dumps

Module to process the corpus training data and create data structures for speed-up retrieval.

.. codeauthor:: Stefan Schulz
import logging
from typing import Dict, Tuple

from acres import constants
from acres.util import functions
from acres.util import text

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def create_corpus_ngramstat_dump(corpus_path: str, min_freq: int, min_length: int = 1, max_length: int = 7) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Takes a corpus consisting of text files in a single directory Substitutes digits and line breaks It requires that all documents are in UTF-8 text. It can perform substitutions of digits. :param corpus_path: :param min_freq: :param min_length: :param max_length: :return: """ docs = [] counter = 1 texts = functions.robust_text_import_from_dir(corpus_path) length = len(texts)"Creating ngramstat from %d documents...", length) break_marker = constants.LINE_BREAK for doc in texts: if counter % 1000 == 0: logger.debug("%d/%d", counter, length) # TODO normalize case if not acronym? # TODO normalize german characters: รค => ae # TODO normalize c = k (soundex?) # TODO normalize compositions # ("Belastungs-Dyspnoe" = "Belastungs Dyspnoe" = "Belastungsdyspnoe") # doc = text.tokenize(doc) doc = text.clean(doc) doc = text.clear_digits(doc, constants.DIGIT_MARKER) doc = doc.replace(break_marker, " " + break_marker + " ") doc = text.reduce_repeated_chars(doc, " ", 1) doc = doc.replace(break_marker + " " + break_marker, break_marker + break_marker) doc = doc.replace(break_marker + " " + break_marker, break_marker + break_marker) doc = text.reduce_repeated_chars(doc, break_marker, 2) docs.append(doc) counter += 1 entire_corpus = "\n\n".join(docs) logger.debug("Corpus length (chars): %d", len(entire_corpus)) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: import hashlib logger.debug("MD5(corpus) = %s", hashlib.md5(entire_corpus.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()) dict_ngramstat = functions.create_ngram_statistics(entire_corpus, min_length, max_length) logger.debug("ngramstat length (initial): %d", len(dict_ngramstat)) dict_ngramstat = _filter_frequency(dict_ngramstat, min_freq) logger.debug("ngramstat length filtered for frequency: %d", len(dict_ngramstat)) return dict_ngramstat
def _filter_frequency(ngrams: Dict[str, int], min_freq: int) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Filter a ngram list for ngrams with a minimum frequency. :param ngrams: :param min_freq: :return: """ output = {} for (ngram, freq) in ngrams.items(): if freq >= min_freq: output[ngram] = freq return output
[docs]def create_indexed_ngrams(ngrams: Dict[str, int]) -> Dict[int, Tuple[int, str]]: """ Create an indexed version of a ngram list. This basically adds an unique identifier to every (str, int) tuple. :param ngrams: :return: """ identifier = 1 output = {} for (ngram, freq) in ngrams.items(): output[identifier] = (freq, ngram) identifier += 1 return output