Source code for acres.rater.rater

Rating main module.

import logging

from acres.rater import expansion
from acres.rater import full as full_rater
from acres.util import acronym as acro_util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _is_short_form(acro: str, full: str) -> bool:
    Check whether a given expansion is shorter than the acronym.

    :param acro:
    :param full:
    if len(full.split()) < len(acro):
        return True
    return False

def _calc_score(acro: str, full: str) -> float:
    Calculates a score for the given expansion.

    TODO all scoring/penalization is pure heuristics. Check with examples.
    TODO evaluate scoring higher shorter valid expansions.

    :param acro:
    :param full:
    score = 1.0

    # rightmost expansion should start with upper case initial
    # XXX german-only
    if full.split(" ")[-1][0].islower():
        score = score * 0.25

    # exact match of real acronym with generated acronym
    # XXX german-only
    if acro.upper() == acro_util.create_german_acronym(full):
        score = score * 2

    # if short full form, the coincidence of the first two letters of full and acronym
    # increases score
    if _is_short_form(acro, full):
        if full.upper()[0:2] == acro.upper()[0:2]:
            score = score * 2

    # decapitalized acronym should not occur within decap full form,
    # if acronym has three or more letters
    if acro.lower() in full.lower():
        score = score * 0.2

    return score

[docs]def get_acronym_score(acro: str, full: str) -> float: """ Scores acronym/resolution pairs according to a series of well-formedness criteria. This scoring function should be used only for cleaned and normalized full forms. For forms that may contain acronym-definition pairs, see `get_acronym_definition_pair_score`. For forms that should be checked for variants, see `get_acronym_score_variants`. TODO Consider again morphosaurus checks. TODO Full form should not be an acronym itself. :param acro: Acronym to be expanded. :param full: Long form to be checked whether it qualifies as an acronym expansion. :return: score that rates the likelihood that the full form is a valid expansion of the acronym. """ acro = acro.strip() full = full.strip() # XXX german-only # Plural form of acronym reduced to singular ("s", often not found in non English full # forms) e.g. "EKGs", "EKGS", "NTx", "NTX" (Nierentransplantation). # These characters cannot be always expected to occur in the full form # We assume that plurals and genitives of acronyms are often marked with # "s", however not necessarily lower case. # This means that "S" and "X" are not required to match acro = acro_util.trim_plural(acro) # acronym must have at least two characters: all those expressions like "Streptococcus B" or # "Vitamin C" should not be considered containg acronyms. # Normally these compositions are lexicalised. # May be relevant for assessing single letter forms like "A cerebralis" if not acro_util.is_acronym(acro): return 0 if not full_rater.is_full_valid(full): return 0 if not expansion.is_expansion_valid(acro, full): # TODO avoid score=0 due to acronym-definition pairs return 0 return _calc_score(acro, full)