Source code for acres.util.functions

Module with general functions.
import logging
import os
import random
from configparser import ConfigParser
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Iterable

from acres import constants

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def import_conf(key: str) -> Optional[str]: """ :param key: :return: """ config = ConfigParser(os.environ)"config.ini") if key not in config['DEFAULT']: logging.critical("'%s' was not found in the DEFAULT section of config.ini.", key) return None return config['DEFAULT'][key]
[docs]def create_ngram_statistics(input_string: str, n_min: int, n_max: int) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Creates a dictionary that counts each nGram in an input string. Delimiters are spaces. Example: bigrams and trigrams nMin = 2 , nMax = 3 PROBE: # print(WordNgramStat('a ab aa a a a ba ddd', 1, 4)) :param input_string: :param n_min: :param n_max: :return: """"Creating ngram statistics...") output = {} # type: Dict[str, int] lines = input_string.splitlines() for line in lines: if line == '': continue # TODO does it ever happen? splitlines should have taken care already... line = line.replace('\r', ' ') line = line.replace('\n', ' ') line = line.replace(' ', ' ') line = line.strip() #print(line) cleaned_line = line.split(" ") for i in range(n_min, n_max + 1): for j in range(len(cleaned_line) - i + 1): ngram = ' '.join(cleaned_line[j:j + i]) output.setdefault(ngram, 0) output[ngram] += 1 # Example for formatted output, sorted, reverse order # for w in sorted(output, key=output.get, reverse = True): # print ('{:>8}'.format(output[w]) + '\t' + w) return output
[docs]def is_stopword(str_in: str) -> bool: """ Tests whether word is stopword, according to list. For German, source :param str_in: :return: """ ret = False if constants.LANGUAGE == "de": stopwords = {'ab', 'aber', 'alle', 'allem', 'allen', 'aller', 'alles', 'als', 'also', 'am', 'an', 'andere', 'anderem', 'anderem', 'anderen', 'anderer', 'anderer', 'anderes', 'andern', 'anders', 'auch', 'auf', 'aus', 'bei', 'bin', 'bis', 'bist', 'da', 'damit', 'dann', 'das', 'dass', 'daß', 'dasselbe', 'dazu', 'dein', 'deine', 'deinem', 'deinen', 'deiner', 'deines', 'dem', 'demselben', 'den', 'denn', 'denselben', 'der', 'derer', 'derselbe', 'derselben', 'des', 'desselben', 'dessen', 'dich', 'die', 'dies', 'diese', 'dieselbe', 'dieselben', 'diesem', 'diesen', 'dieser', 'dieses', 'dir', 'doch', 'dort', 'du', 'durch', 'ein', 'eine', 'einem', 'einen', 'einer', 'eines', 'einig', 'einige', 'einigem', 'einigen', 'einiger', 'einiges', 'einmal', 'er', 'es', 'etwas', 'euch', 'euer', 'eure', 'eurem', 'euren', 'eurer', 'eures', 'für', 'gegen', 'gewesen', 'hab', 'habe', 'haben', 'hat', 'hatte', 'hatten', 'hier', 'hin', 'hinter', 'ich', 'ihm', 'ihn', 'ihnen', 'ihr', 'ihre', 'ihrem', 'ihren', 'ihrer', 'ihres', 'im', 'in', 'indem', 'ins', 'ist', 'jede', 'jedem', 'jeden', 'jeder', 'jedes', 'jene', 'jenem', 'jenen', 'jener', 'jenes', 'jetzt', 'kann', 'kein', 'keine', 'keinem', 'keinen', 'keiner', 'keines', 'können', 'könnte', 'machen', 'man', 'manche', 'manchem', 'manchen', 'mancher', 'manches', 'mein', 'meine', 'meinem', 'meinen', 'meiner', 'meines', 'mich', 'mir', 'mit', 'muss', 'musste', 'nach', 'nicht', 'nichts', 'noch', 'nun', 'nur', 'ob', 'oder', 'ohne', 'sehr', 'sein', 'seine', 'seinem', 'seinen', 'seiner', 'seines', 'selbst', 'sich', 'sie', 'sind', 'so', 'solche', 'solchem', 'solchen', 'solcher', 'solches', 'soll', 'sollte', 'sondern', 'sonst', 'über', 'um', 'und', 'uns', 'unser', 'unsere', 'unserem', 'unseren', 'unseres', 'unter', 'viel', 'vom', 'von', 'vor', 'während', 'war', 'waren', 'warst', 'was', 'weg', 'weil', 'weiter', 'welche', 'welchem', 'welchen', 'welcher', 'welches', 'wenn', 'werde', 'werden', 'wie', 'wieder', 'will', 'wir', 'wird', 'wirst', 'wo', 'wollen', 'wollte', 'würde', 'würden', 'zu', 'zum', 'zur', 'zwar', 'zwischen'} if str_in.lower() in stopwords: ret = True return ret
[docs]def robust_text_import_from_dir(path: str) -> List[str]: """ Read the content of valid text files from a path into a list of strings. :param path: The path to look for documents. :return: A list of strings containing the content of each valid file. """"Loading documents from %s...", path) texts = [] # print(path) files = os.listdir(path) for filename in files: try: with open(path + "/" + filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: content = texts.append(content) # print(file + " " + str(len(content))) except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.warning("Corrupt file: %s", filename) continue except IOError as ex: logger.warning("I/O error (%d) while reading %s: %s", ex.errno, filename, ex.strerror) continue return texts
[docs]def partition(word: str, partitions: int) -> int: """ Find a bucket for a given word. :param word: :param partitions: :return: """ a = ord('a') z = ord('z') value = ord(word[0].lower()) if partitions > 1 and a <= value <= z: pos = value - a return int(pos * (partitions - 1) / (z - a + 1)) + 1 # Catch-all for numbers, symbols and diacritics. return 0
[docs]def sample(iterable: Iterable, chance: float) -> Iterable: """ Randomly sample items from an iterable with a given chance. :param iterable: :param chance: :return: """ # Keep lists deterministic random.seed(42) for item in iterable: if random.random() < chance: yield item