Source code for acres.util.text

Utility functions related to text processing.
import re

from acres import constants

[docs]def clear_digits(str_in: str, substitute_char: str) -> str: """ Substitutes all digits by a character (or string) Example: ClearDigits("Vitamin B12", "°"): TODO rewrite as regex :param str_in: :param substitute_char: """ out = "" for character in str_in: if character in "0123456789": out = out + substitute_char else: out = out + character return out
[docs]def reduce_repeated_chars(str_in: str, char: str, remaining_chars: int) -> str: """ :param str_in: text to be cleaned :param char: character that should not occur more than remaining_chars times in sequence :param remaining_chars: remaining_chars :return: """ cnt = 0 out = "" for k in str_in: if k == char: cnt += 1 if cnt <= remaining_chars: out = out + k else: cnt = 0 out = out + k return out
[docs]def remove_duplicated_whitespaces(whitespaced: str) -> str: """ Clean up an input string out of any number of repeated whitespaces. :param whitespaced: :return: """ cleaner = re.compile(r"\s+") return cleaner.sub(" ", whitespaced)
[docs]def clean_whitespaces(whitespaced: str) -> str: """ Clean up an input string of repeating and trailing whitespaces. :param whitespaced: :return: """ return remove_duplicated_whitespaces(whitespaced).strip()
[docs]def clean(text: str, preserve_linebreaks: bool = False) -> str: """ Clean a given text to preserve only alphabetic characters, spaces, and, optionally, line breaks. :param text: :param preserve_linebreaks: :return: """ allowed = [r'\w', r'\s'] if preserve_linebreaks: allowed.append(constants.LINE_BREAK) disallowed_regex = "[^" + "".join(allowed) + "]" # [^a-zA-Z\s¶Ð] return clean_whitespaces(re.sub(disallowed_regex, " ", text))